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The Associated Worlds
Main / shardverses
In which I write crossover fanfic of my own universe.
I mean I suppose it depends on how it is manifested and used.
"Hi! It seems you had a giant Brane Barnacle attached to you, driving you insane. I've excised it for you, you're welcome!"
That's sort of the end goal, really.
either that or subverting the shards and making them less of a bastard
I mean, Large (Continent+) Scale Time/Space/Reality Warping would be seriously Overpowered.
that's sort of what more mature ontotech would look like, i suppose
Better question: Could aforementioned Mature Ontotechnology be used to one-shot literally anything via excising it from existence?
well, anything not also protected by Mature Ontotechnology
The ability to MegaNope™ literally anything out of existence has got to have serious clout. But would Scion be protected?
Or would said Mature Ontotechnology be another one of his powers?
well, Scion is stupid
but Scion also has mostly mature ontotech
with a specific focus on conflict, because of the stupid
so perhaps not
So it’s a test of whose Kung Fu (read Ontotechnology) is better than the other’s Kung Fu? (edited)
yes, i would think
though also, available infrastructure is a factor
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:03 PM
Who can break reality more?
as is the fact that while E!Taylor has the distilled accomplishments of the eldrae at her fingers, there is a grand total of one of her
Or is there?
okay, correction
Could she clone herself?
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:04 PM
What can one soph do? Unless she creates an autowar army or something else isomorphic to “take over the world”
there is however many of her she wants, but just cloning yourself can't make you a good substitute for the innovative power of a mature space age civilization composed of trillions of sophs
her tinker power, right now at least, is based around already-existing technology and designs. While she's not stupid, she probably isn't going to be able to invent mature ontotech by herself, so she's limited to whatever the Empire had at the time
(which is substantially more mature ontotech, to be sure, since they managed to get between universes at all. But if it was good enough that they could just universe skip as easily as a trip down to the chemist and solve the problem, they would've just done that in all likelyhood.)
This a millennium ahead of current’verse.
personally i'd figure that "defeat the Entities through a combination of comparable technology and the virtue of being not stupid." is on the table
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:08 PM
Or get them to change
but "reverse engineer their powerful but poorly-used tools from their corpses and advance the theories of ontotech at the same time" is probably not
"reprogram them so they're less stupid and malicious" is probably the best-of-both-worlds path
The bigger question is, if push comes to shove, could the Transcend, and by extension the Empire, intervene if it is necessary to preserve the Empire?
that's a good question, yes.
the Transcend rather likes to be lazy efficient, so their intervention is less "maximum possible" as it is "minimum necessary"
but there's no telling what the actual maximum is
traveling between universes would be, as a upper bound, substantially more difficult than interstellar travel i expect
because otherwise the problem would get solved more quickly by virtue of adventurers seeing a problem and proceeding to adventure. While the Transcend might prefer efficiency, that doesn't mean plenty of other sophs wouldn't show up to help if it was as easy as traveling to the outer systems (edited)
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:14 PM
And to think in terms of superpower tropes: where there’s one alien super, there’s usually several more coming
aye, and i don't think there's much else the Transcend could offer as a 'supply drop' than more sophs to help out
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:16 PM
Sophs, and ships (edited)
there's already a comprehensive archive on site, and given current demonstrated capabilities (taking a few dozen kilos out of the universe, modifying them and adding a few more kilos, and then putting them back), they couldn't sent through all that much more than what could be produced on-site
a ship would be a few orders of magnitude of a step up, as far as mass goes.
well, i suppose that assumes mass is the limiting factor
maybe if there are some very tricky ontotech doohickeys that are very hard to manufacture, it'd be worthwhile to send thme
but other than that, i'd think the best thing to do would be to drop in a prepared team in the form of a box of metaphorical hard drives of mindstates
How would eldra!taylor access/use said mindstates? (edited)
well, if it's a supply drop for Taylor, she'd handle it
Print bodies for the team at her end?
I mean, ideally, you could use the shipwrecks from the Docks for feedstock and build some sort of orbital launcher.
Not sure how you’d distract Simurgh long enough to get a package of nanites to a suitable asteroid and bootstrap a fleet, though.
could Simurgh do much to a asteroid mining op?
she comes from a shard too, so she's mostly earthbound
Use String Theory’s F-Gun to launch it?
maybe, actually
Or something similar.
Alternatively, teleportation.
yeah, that'd work, i'm just trying to think if that's in the realm of stuff you could feasibly counter
Teleportation, probably not.
teleportation would be a good choice so long as there's a form of teleportation that fits
on earth, teleportation that needs infrastructure at both ends is still usable as 'free' teleportation in some cases, because the shard can be at both ends
but Simurgh would have to use teleportation that doesn't need a receiver of any sort
I meant like Doormaker.
yeah, but do we know his limitations as far as that goes?
i can't recall him ever making a portal that goes anywhere outside of a atmosphere
He can go between dimensions. Putting something into the Asteroid Belt should be small potatoes.
but that's the Shard's shtick. They're all off in different dimensions sitting on empty alternate earths, reaching through dimensions to anchor themselves to people's brains and do power-y stuff. A bunch of powers works directly off of bringing stuff from other dimensions or otherwise moving matter between them; IIRC that's how a lot of matter 'creation' actually works.
Oh... Right. I done a stupid.
nah its fine
So the Mass Driver approach is still probably the best option?
that or any other sort of tinkertech weapon, probably
though, now that i think about it, that might be difficult for the Simurgh to achieve
She'd have to break String Theory out and control her into making the weapon; IIRC Simurgh, despite being strong and powerful, doesn't have any sort of 'administrator access' that would let her just co-op String Theory's shard
I was talking about circumventing the Simurgh’s blockade of Earth, not the other way around.
oh wow yeah i completely misread that, sorry
yeah the gun would work well for launching
i dunno, could Simurgh actually stop the equivalent of a Imperial AKV with a nanotech payload? Those things are rather more sprightly than a chemical rocket
she sort of just... throws stuff, right? Throws it, or grabs it if she's in telekinetic range
or uses tinker tech if she has it available.
but that relies a lot on her foresight, and WoG is that doesn't work so well with the whole free-will thing unless there's a shard behind it oppressing it, so between that and being military hardware specifically designed for dodging while trying to reach a target...
(granted, they aren't designed to work in a atmosphere or function as a launch vehicle)
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:53 PM
An imperial military GTS missile bus might work
oh, good idea
easier than making a whole AKV, and it's probably designed for multiple launches so you could launch a entire swarm to make interception even harder
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:56 PM
Stocked with factory replicator kits
actually, that tactic might work well as a distraction too
the Simurgh can't be in two places, so next time she assaults a city, force her to choose between stopping the missiles and continuing the assault
sdschildberg 04/05/2020 8:57 PM
invader taylor
BizarroLand ♀ 04/05/2020 9:08 PM
Wildbow has said in a vs. thread himself that an attack that destroys a planetary surface can take down an Endbringer
i mean, we do kind of know how hard it is to kill a shard
nicoll-dyson time
BizarroLand ♀ 04/05/2020 9:13 PM
the dang core tho
in the end battle, Scion, who's basically a group of shards, ends up dying to a energy weapon (i think it was from String Theory?) which directly hit his real body. From other entities, which we can guess are on the large side as far as shards go because they have multiple strong powers, a shard is basically big-room-sized and isn't especially durable (edited)
notably, Eden dies after she's stabbed by a knife, albeit with Contessa's power to guide it.
whole entities, on the other hand, are very large by virtue of being composed of a damned lot of shards. Literally "planet dwarfing"
though it's not set in stone, every so often i remember a detail that shifts things one way or the other
trying to pin down a size for various pieces of a aggregate intelligence is not the easiest of tasks, i guess
I really need to read what's been posted on the sequel so far, i've heard Simurgh comes into play in a big way so maybe we'd learn more about what the endbringers are, like if they're actually whole shards or just part of it with the rest properly in another dimension
BizarroLand ♀ 04/05/2020 9:35 PM
all I know about Ward is
there are Titans and Victoria is the protagonist
i read up to the point where one of titans emerged, and not much further. Don't know a lot about them
On the question of guessing PRT ratings, at least once they have a chance to figure stuff out a bit, but before Exponential Escalation takes hold: Blaster 3 (techlekinesis applied to moving electrons; i.e., lightning) Brute 4 (she's got the mil-spec basic package, but that's pretty much concentrated on durability and regen, not strength) Master 5 (neural laces multitask and remote-control like whoa) Mover 2 (techlekinetic low-altitude flight, plus double-jumping and all those hax) Thinker 6 (smrt) Tinker HOLY FUCK
Fully mature ontotechnology is "Shaker 15+/Trump 15+", which is another way of saying "God". No-one's gonna have that, because it turns all stories into "I decided that everything would be perfect forever. It was. THE END." 😋
BizarroLand ♀ 04/07/2020 12:38 AM
Eddie Torres was estimated as Mover 1, Brute 3 by a friend of mine (edited)
And, yes, said mature ontotech can be used to deny things strongly enough that they never existed. Omnipotence is fun that way. As for what one soph can do... well, there's this thing called the Magic of Friendship Technology of Synergy. ...also, the Transcend is really smug about its ability to be the pebble with the deciding vote. Somewhere in a Cirys swarm far away, an efficiency submind is complaining that that was actually a really extravagant care package and it could have managed with, ooh, a quarter of the mass-energy budget, maybe less. (A kindness submind points out that that's why they don't let the efficiency submind do the operation planning on its own.)
the highest rated tinker in the entire series was a tinker 15 who (minor spoilers for the Worm sequel) built a giant tower that was designed to shoot a entire planet's atmosphere into space for... something. Possibly to shoot down a entity or such, but the shard behind it was a little crazy and the poor tinker who got that shard didn't have a say in the matter. It was moderately Von Neumann, but a large part of the hardware was built directly by the shard-host and some of the more advanced materials were directly extruded from their body, as opposed to properly manufacturing either of those in a scalable fashion.
Taylor comes in above that
So a non numerical ranking, right next to Contessa's "Thinker Don't Ask Just Run", is well deserved
WRT to space, incidentally, inasmuch as the Lunar Fuck-You Gun will be a thing, relevant work-canon here is the Simurgh has, among other function, the job of keeping humanity limited to Earths, as that's where the shards can touch; so while manned space flight is going to get shot down, she doesn't interdict all the commsats, say. If you have a way to precog-shield whatever non-sophont payload you're going to launch - to make sure its aura of THIS HURTS YOU doesn't reach her - you can sneak one past her.
This, incidentally, is my fanon for how Sphere got the Simurgh's attention in the worst way. Just dropping stuff on Luna wasn't a problem. Dropping stuff on Luna that was going to be a moonbase in the future (i.e., presenting the possibility of humans outside the shard-zone), that's a problem big enough to rate her personal attention.
isn't a soph one of the better ways to fuck with pre-cog? Namely a soph with influence who doesn't have a shard-suppressed volition and has proper firewalls?
As another note, in this AU, while there are multiple parallel Earths - which is not the normal for even that universe; meeting that shard will be interesting - they're not used to house shards. The shards, in this interpretation, are symbiotes that live along the brane-edge and not physical entities as such, 'cause I like that interpretation much better than really oversized, poorly optimized computing devices.
that's fair, having shards that lamely sit somewhere like a blob of eldritch is boring and turns the best solution into "reverse engineer dimension-hopping and then drop a nuke on it"
This is also, in this AU, why it takes/would have taken, assuming no intervention, Flechette's power to kill Scion, because it's the shard designed as an inter-entity weapon, and as such can manage tricks like "hitting all possible versions of/all points on the quantum probability curve of an object simultaneously" and "firing at right angles to reality". You could blast away at Scion all you wanted with conventional mass-energy weapons, and it wouldn't do anything, 'cause you can't hit the symbiote/shard/core; only it's mass-puppet in four-space.
makes sense; it's notoriously difficult to punch trengthward.
(though, as a superpower, "completely normal punches except in the fourth dimension" sounds pretty cool)
Does E!Taylor have a Transcend seed?
either a active one in her head, or inactive one in her Tech and Other Useful Stuff archive (which is also in her head, i suppose.)
i was thinking something along the lines of "if a Tinker 15 builts a giant atmosphere shooty tower, what does a Tinker HOLY FUCK do?" "Build a Cirys Swarm, duh." Except that's really more of the Transcend's/weakly godlikes shtick, and she's probably not going to build a God. That's the sort of thing you leave to a group of professionals, preferably with a century or two to work out the kinks. But nothing says that she can't wake up a copy of the Transcend... (edited)
(of course, that would rather derail the story a bit. Perhaps something to save until after the planet is saved)
0111narwhalz 04/07/2020 5:23 AM
Presumably the upgrade included both the presence of mind to recognize the hazard of attempting god-making, and several historic records of how poorly it can go.
0111narwhalz 04/07/2020 5:23 AM
(not to mention that she's lived under the thumb of such a perversion)
Morgrim Moon 04/07/2020 5:33 AM
Yeah, she can't bootstrap her way to a position where the outcome would be better than a coin toss
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 8:34 AM
Wouldn’t getting a flechette pistol raise the blaster rating a bit?
I don't think tech widgets count towards any rating except tinker, IIRC. Except maybe implanted ones, but that might be fanon.
This is a common fanon conflict; many people say tinker ought to be a sufficient general-purpose warning that they could have whatever, and the shard-oriented theory of of power categories (I.e. the theory which says that power categories are terms in which shards think, which does have WOG support AFAIK), vs. many people saying that the purpose of power ratings as an administrative tool is to give at-a-glance sense of the power-set of a parahuman and what tactics need to be used to counter them , and thus it's essentially vital to record (either as main stats or as sub-ratings of tinker), the effective ratings granted by a given para-human's main forms of tinker-tech, so as to facilitate actually engaging with them on a tatical level
The tinker with a backpack full of weirdo bombs and the tinker who built a portal gun present rather different threat profiles, yeah
the key thing about tinker ratings is not a lot stops them trading widgets, so any given tinker might have a new toy, so stay frosty and keep alert
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 5:19 PM
They can also switch sets of widgets between engagmetns But the commonly used ones can be recorded
so it becomes "We know for a fact they have these kinds of gear, and who knows whatelse might make a showing" (edited)
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 5:21 PM
In E!taylors case, independent combat bots, micro/nanoswarms, and probably a spacegun or two (edited)
ah, good to know she still fights battles like she's in an RTS
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 5:22 PM
Some things never chanfe
Tinkers gear-swapping is technically possible but highly unusual; most orgs don't have the size to sustain it and tinkers can't trivially work on each other's gear they just have better odds than the rest of us?
And they tend to have pretty hard-coded themeing; we remember dragon and armsmaster but there's a reason that they're the best tinkers in the game
And part of that is "they can make tools to solve specific problems with unusual versatility"
Compared to the person who is suck with only stuff with pre-designated hard-coded timers , or only nano-goo, or only dimensional pockets, they can do a lot
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 5:40 PM
Which is the real reason Taylor’s score is “yes”
Eh, not really; it's important to remember that threat-ratings are tactical warnings not measures of potential
A late-game taylor with a strong tech-base and a lot of infrastructure is functionally unbeatable, but that's basically just saying "once she's won, she's won"; she's still constrained by the dance of atoms and common sense , by the sheer limits of mass and power, in a manner that makes her not even really an s-class until she has a lot more momentum and infrastructure than I expect she can realistically get without being pretty visible for a decently long period of time; I'd contently rate her at the 9-11 range; powerful and a massive threat, but by no means chart-breaking
Speaking of which; I think that actually you've underrated her pretty massively as a mover; any flight at all probably warrants something in the 5-6 area, since we're getting out of the point where normal PRT members can even seriously consider hindering her in terms of mobility; standard normie tactics for dealing with flyers are shoot them, net them, foam them, and the self-same telekinesis she's using to fly mitigates that kind of plan substantially? I"m assuming "low-altitude flight" here as >5m, such that you're capable of pretty much no-selling anything which depends on melee; that power alone means capturing her requires very good tactics or or specialized parahumans
Also; her master rating comes under the same category as the gun-based blaster power; it's dependent on her access to combat-ready drones to function in the sense of a master rather than a thinker; while such hypothetically exists without the aid of her power in practice they're so unheard of in street-level combat that having them at all is a tinker power
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 6:01 PM
Neuralace and whatnot being just the controls to tinker powers in combat. Now rolling out memetics would actually be master behavior, but is probably too hard on the will of others (edited)
The main reason I decided on "Tinker: Holy Fuck" is the one thing she can do that canon tinkers can't: understand exactly how everything works , which includes the ability to teach other people how everything works and how to build more of it. That's even more powerful than self-replication, because those people now have their own understanding of it that they can build on, or pass along themselves. tl;dr Armsmaster can build a nanothorn warhead; Dragon can examine it and build many nanothorn warheads; but e!Taylor can give someone a masters in nanoengineering and turn them loose to found Nanothorn Industries, Inc., producers of ridiculously lethal weaponry in many convenient form factors and assorted spin-off products. (edited)
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 8:10 PM
Is sphere corrupted yet?
That's what really makes her chart-breaking: from the PRT's perspective, she can turn people into self-replicating tinkers . Using nothing but words and a whiteboard.
sdschildberg 04/07/2020 8:12 PM
Raising an army of new supers We finally have a cape name: warmind
Her entire schtick, from her warbots to her attempts at getting a package off earth to why her self replicating tech is so terrifying revolves around building a force
Holy Shit! You’re right!
How is that categorically more dangerous than, say, Teacher, or even Crane the Harmonious? (who, to be fair, are amongst the most dangerous non-natural-disaster parahumans in the setting)
Two words: Power Armour.
Also - as Panacea worries about being compared to Nilbog, presumably Taylor will have to worry about being compared to them
It's not like Teacher doesn't have minions in power armor
Yeah... That’s gonna suck.
Like, Eldraeic Power Armour.
But also part of my point here is - I think you're radically underestimating the ease with which you can train new engineers in a totally new construction methods
⬆️ 3
Or nanoburn.
Esp ones designed by people with heavy mind-enhancements
It's ease to give someone Power Armor with a nice UI, but any tinker can do that
Nanoburn would fuck up just about anyone w/o significantly improved durability.
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:20 AM
What, did the Transcend not include cutting-edge baseline pedagogy in their bootstrap package?
Um, Gnostic Overlays could help with that.
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:20 AM
Only once the target is no longer baseline.
Then make them no longer baseline!
There are functional limits on what mundane teaching can do, I suspect, that are very strict
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:21 AM
You need to rebrain them to do that :V
Esp since any optimizations beyond "mundane good schools" are going to be so dependent on specific psychological quirks that they won't transfer between species
Then make them no longer baseline!
Now you're Nilbog and Teacher at the same time
You'd honestly get shit done faster keeping the secrets to yourself
And pretending to be the next coming of dragon
Until you had a lot of good PR
And by a lot I mean "Your neo-guild is now the main hero org in the US" good PR
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:25 AM
Taylor also has a memetic engineering package in her archive, I do believe.
Also re: Optimised Pedagogy - this was literally Crane's power, and she was such a shit with it she got birdcaged?
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:25 AM
So… good PR?
I was referring to quantity of good PR, not difficulty of obtaining it, to be fair
Well, Teacher can make conventional tinkers (who still don't understand what they do), at the cost of crippling their faculties with his loyalty-fu. That's not as potent as being able to stick "My First Nanomachines: Little Rascals for Little Rascals" or "Dr. Faust's Guide to Genetic Mutants You Can Make At Home" up on t'interwebs and expect results. (Not that that's what you'd call efficient pedagogy, but the thing is that it is possible .)
(Nor is either of those likely to happen, either. Is just an example.)
Sidenote: Those title names are gold
Also, it's pretty certain that it won't be very long before people are screaming "S-class threat!", so I am absolutely on-board with the need to be an S-class threat with really good PR .
Speaking of S-Class threats: What the hell was The Sleeper anyway?
See my main point is that making genetic mutants at home is something that you genuinely can't do with all the genetic engineering textbooks in the world; that knowledge is dependent on a context of technologies, prerequisite knowledge, logistical and engineering considerations; from the perspective of a PRT threat-rating this context adds, at most "Shrug, I guess we should up her thinker rating a few notches"; it doesn't transcend thier ability to describe her as a tinker-class threat
That's the point of the Sleeper
People were complaining about having total bone-deep knowledge of every random worldbuilding detail, so wildbow was experimenting with more mysterious elements
I can't remember; have I described the Panpraxis at some time in the past?
The name doesn’t ring any bells...
I'm not familiar, no
I don’t think so, no.
Short version is that it's an encyclopedia of practical engineering/colony design library complete with helpful expert systems working out the Path to That Thing You Want, primarily intended for use in survival situations where what you need is a communications laser that can reach the local stargate relay, and what you have is a rock.
Inspired by something I remember from A Fire Upon the Deep , ISTR, but essentially it works out a big ol' project plan for you, complete with helpful descriptions of how to perform each step, even when it comes to things like "make charcoal; find some rocks that look like this and behave like that; test them in these ways; etc., etc."
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 11:40 AM know I would probably have too much fun going camping somewhere with that and seeing "okay, so this week's project is seeing if I can get to [x]..."
So, copy the Panpraxis to the World Wide Web, and let human curiosity do the rest?
That sounds like a tremendously useful device; I still wonder how long you'd have to use it before you could do any of that work without constant direction by it, though? Especially for anything more complicated than, like, late-20th century tech
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:41 AM
it's like Wikipedia, but full of practical engineering
That's not something that she's going to put out there on its own, because it's ridiculously dangerous in the wrong hands or even many of the right hands. But if she thinks that a detailed plan to let people grow spider-silk skin weaves using only common household ingredients is something the world should have, it's something that can provide a detailed set of baseline-friendly step-by-step instructions for how to get there from here.
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:42 AM
step 1. buy a couple terabytes of hard drives step 2. type step 3. you aren't done typing
Well, it's intended for use by people who don't have access to the skillsets they'd otherwise need.
I guess part of my complaint here is "modern engineering is still five worlds of black-boxing and wider than any human could learn in three lifetimes; the only pragmatic advantages over tinkering it has is when it's implemented on the scale of a civilization"
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:46 AM
"it works and you don't need to know why"
Turning the result of a complex engineering project into a simple black box with nice input and nice outputs and describable behaviour, such that it can be used without any understanding of the (very complex) internal mechanics
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 11:46 AM
given most modern tech fits in that bracket...
For example - simple modern transistors
Are used as the basis of logic gates and by extension basically all modern computer hardware
And are, for those purposes, modelable as logic gates
But actually understanding them is a bitch and a half
I say as someone currently studying them...
To an extent, yes. Things likely to go out for wide deployment will, of necessity, be very retro indeed by Imperial standards. But on the other hand, producing devices that can be used and maintained line-replaceable-unit style won't be a problem. And within her eventual organization, there's nothing to stop her from bringing on the tachydidactics and zapping knowledge into people the fast way. Apart from having to cover it up to avoid looking like the next coming of Teacher, I suppose.
sdschildberg 04/09/2020 11:49 AM
“I’m an alien building an army” is awful for PR
Like I said; I think maintaining a very good rep and pretending to be the next Dragon (who already has very line-replaceable, user-maintainable gear) would be the best angle
Then you can lean into the upgrades with a well-rehersed PR campaign
Rather than tanking a PR-offensive from the PRT when some random thinking figures out what you're doing
Trying to be exceptional but within the existing paradigm works better, I think; Taylor's not such an OCP that she can crush even the local powers without a lot of leadup (edited)
On the other hand, "Technically, yes, I'm an S-class threat with my army of presumably self-replicating warbots, but on the other hand, my army of presumably self-replicating warbots only came out to help fight Leviathan and then left peacefully. Have fun explaining why you don't want their help next Endbringer attack." Better yet, the army of presumably self-replicating warbots is helping with the cleanup, rescuing survivors, providing supplies and medical care, and one of them rescuing a small girl's kitten from a tree in the middle of a flooded park has 10 million hits on YouTube. Your move, adverse PR guys.
The problem really hits there when you only have 1-10 self-replicating warbots
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:54 AM
You have to maintain enough wiggle room until you reach that point.
I wonder... Could Miss Militia manifest Eldrae weapons if she was given one to study?
BizarroLand ♀ 04/09/2020 11:55 AM
Don't think so
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:55 AM
After the demonstration of your warbots' capacity to self-replicate, you might not have a chance to demonstrate your intent to be a good person :V
Scion smash?
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:55 AM
So you'd better demonstrate your intent to be a good person first
(To be fair, it's pretty clear from the comparison of our chosen starting conditions, that I'm much more interested in the lead-up logistics and you're more interested in the end-game slapdown, I think)
What narwhalz said
Yeah. That's where you start out with the secrecy. But when you have to break the secrecy, you should go big. The kind of big where your adversaries more or less have to put up with you or look like idiots. Like, say, Endbringer attacks, where in the aftermath you have the chance to point out to your press conference that of course they're self-replicating, because how else can you get enough of them to make a meaningful, lifesaving difference against an Endbringer? And, yes, you understand the reasoning behind the PRT's concern for such things, but it's a bad policy that would have got a shit-ton of people killed had you gone along with it. So sorry.
In the early stages, of course, the best plan is the much simpler "hide things well and don't tell anyone".
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 11:59 AM
Don't make warbots until after you have the logistics to suddenly have tons of warbots.
I mean, this is your first try at an anti-Endbringer weapon. Not only does no-one need to know about it before you need to use it on one, but no-one should know about it in case things go very wrong indeed.
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:00 PM
and certainly no one should know it was you :V
until after it works
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 12:01 PM
maybe let people see you with ONE warbot, that is clearly branded or something, so that when they see many they go "aha that is Taylors" and not "oh god what ELSE is happening?"
Before then, it's much better to misdirect. Keep everyone's attention on the wildly-eccentric maybe-or-maybe-not-case-53 rogue who's playing both sides of the fence and keeps leaving gifts in front of the PRT building in large bright fuchsia boxes with a ribbon on top.
I have several objections to this, but first and most vital is - hiding things well is one of the hardest things for a tinker to do; the kind of "A random suburban household suddenly starts taking in industrial resources like it's a factory" is explicitly called out as something factions are looking for in order to get valuable tinker recruits?
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:02 PM
ah, just mask yourself as a mediocre tinker
biotag your gizmos so that they only work with you
or whatever
shovel out loads of garbage as chaff
Pretending to be a mediocre tinker with enough other powers to keep up is a viable strat, but again; the deception is fundamentally hostile
The closer you play to type and the less you lie, the less material your enemy thinkers have to throw at you
In this particular case, it's more going to be "Why is the Boat Graveyard shrinking?"
(And as a walking precog-blind-spot who intends to change the world? You bet they're watching)
(Not necessarily a complete precog blind spot; still working on that.)
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:04 PM
mediocre gizmos that have this bizarre gadget at their core, which when it receives the signal becomes a bootstrap seed
disperse them throughout all the local landfills
"Why is the boat graveyard shrinking" is not the kind of question people will ignore, I think
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:05 PM
garbage dump gets a little warm under the surface, no other visible change
Why bother with vast subterfuge if you're on people's side? We know the answer, but joe american doesn't
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:06 PM
then explodes into spiderbots or whatever
Oh, they won't. But it's a long way between that and making all the necessary connections. To a certain extent, I'm playing by one of the themes I have for the ISS, which is the way that they constantly irritate other intelligence agencies by playing by James Bond rules in a universe that ought to run by le Carré rules. Which is to say: flamboyant misdirection .
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:08 PM
(like—is anyone roaming the refuse piles looking for mycelium?)
because I think we can get nanologicals built before attracting "bulk material import" suspicion
That depends a lot on the precise manufacturing capabilities of taylors native powers
But also - general-purpose lookout thinkers still exist; hell, the Simurgh still exists
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:10 PM
also, if we really want to play the bug thing straight, we can have literal ant-bots sourcing resources from all over the place in discreet quantities
The sort of thing that makes the PRT dismiss connections between her and those events in the same way as they would dismiss the idea that Mouse Protector has been secretly behind Cauldron, the Elite, and the Bavarian Illuminati all along.
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:10 PM
ah yes, the old "make the truth so outrageous that anyone who hears it thinks you're lying"
That's a plausible narrative, it just seems less effective to me than just being non-mind-breaking-ly honest
keeping your capacity at 10% above what they think is sensible and revealing old capacities as new capacities when they fit into the campaign
You end up fighting a lot of people earlier, but you can still run rings around orgs on an institutional level and you don't waste energy on subterfuge that mostly exists to make you look cooler
(And honestly Taylor was going to beat those guys up as an affront to civility from square one) (edited)
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:16 PM
waste effort make you look cooler
I think you may have misunderstood something here
It's honestly pretty much the same plan except with the words "troll them" crossed out and replaced with "troll them while pretending to be a legitimate businesswoman" though
(I mean, thinkers are known for occasionally going off down rabbit holes of bad conclusions when given insufficient or subtly wrong data. I'm picturing Watchdog's thinkers declaring that they have a Case Mauve, Nine, Aargh My Head, dammit, right there , and whoever sorts their output not believing a word of it.) Well, regarding that: On the former, apart from being about to have a bad experience with the official heroes and no particular way to maintain a secret identity at this point, both this Taylor and her advisor are pretty confident that not only will working within the system not work, but that the system will actively try and stop her from making a difference.
On the latter: she's getting advice from a machine well-read in the Eldrae Book of Adventuring, which is all about the "if you're going to save the world, make sure you do it in style!" theme. Magnificently complex plans with spandrels that exist for no purpose other than dazzling bystanders with performative awesomeness are pretty much exactly how things are supposed to be done, by that book.
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:24 PM
(of course, such shinies should not compromise mission readiness—that's also an eldrae thing)
(just have to be awesome enough for both, you see)
I personally am pretty much of the opinion that if you're awesome enough for both then you should be taking harder missions
(Like, looking cool has value, esp from a doylist perspective) (edited)
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:26 PM
It's a question of margins.
At a certain point, you're doing all this already, and looking cool won't cost you that much more.
To an extent, at home, they're often part of mission readiness. One of the "problems" of a free society is that if you want to lead, you have to persuade people to follow you, and part of that is the aesthetics of things. You have to successfully and simultaneously hit all the notes of be good, do good, and look good. (edited)
One might wonder is "Crazy rogue" is actually the best aesthetic for that; it might lead eldrae well, but does it lead the PRT?
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:29 PM
hmm, leverage human peer-norming… :V
sdschildberg 04/09/2020 12:30 PM
Get on the mad scientist (in a junkyard) grind, from a human supers perspective (edited)
Almost certainly not, nor the Wards (except maybe Clockblocker), nor the Protectorate (except probably Assault), but they're not/that's not really the target(s) of Phase I. At least not until the big reveal at the end that's all "Behold, The Brilliance of My Cunning Master Plan That Saved Much Of The City".
As a secondary concern
How much of your plan here is on the assumption that leviathan is going to attack Brockton Bay?
Like, what's the game-plan if he (counterfactually) doesn't?
(Sorry to change the topic; specific response is - aren't the heros or villains (and associated non-parahuman associates) your main targets when it comes to PR manipulations? )
Though it could be a really cool angle of the fic to have cauldron go "Okay actually that's a PR plan that's basically aligned with out own long-game PR plan, we'll let it slide"
sdschildberg 04/09/2020 12:38 PM
“She’s weird and a loose cannon, but her PR and a chunk of her end goals align with ours so we leave each other alone”
And if Contessa works on her, she's not that much of a loose cannon
sdschildberg 04/09/2020 12:39 PM
“Enemy of my enemy” translates across species
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:40 PM
"The enemy of my enemy is a potentially lucrative business partner."
It's mostly probabilistic: Brockton Bay is overdue to be hit by something (especially once conflict intensifies), and given that it's coastal and has an aquifer, if it's an Endbringer, it's most likely to be Leviathan. But in accordance with that "all paths lead to victory" maxim, the overall plan will have sub-paths in it for "Different Endbringer attacks", "Endbringer attacks somewhere else; need to transport forces to hero there instead", "Slaughterhouse Nine come to town instead", and so forth, all the way down to "Things to do while waiting around being bored, like picking off the Merchants".
(Not that pantsing Skidmark and hanging him in wedgie position from the PRT's flagpole wouldn't be fun, but it is, shall we say, non-core.)
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 12:48 PM
and arguably, "okay I can't fight an Endbringer but I'm pretty sure I can teleport a whole team there!" is the kinda thing that wouldn't be too outlandish for a Tinker AND buys you some good credit with the hero organisations? Because yes, that's a potent ability... but it's one that requires other more dangerous people to take advantage of
BizarroLand ♀ 04/09/2020 12:48 PM
Or, as I proposed once, a supersonic jet
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 12:48 PM
(then later the robots and much 'oh, crap' age)
BizarroLand ♀ 04/09/2020 12:48 PM
An SR-71 once crossed the atlantic in less than three hours
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:49 PM
intercontinental ballistic hero-missile
A dropship, of sorts, but that might be stepping on Dragon’s toes a bit.
(Well, the thing to bear in mind is that the first half of Phase I is all pretty much emergency pantsing, not very well planned. Taylor's not exactly had a chance to plan anything yet, and is not going to have time to do so imminently. Her most obvious problem, apart from somewhere to hide out, amounts to Space Elf Needs Resources Badly. So PR-wise, while solving that problem - especially as it may involve a little necessary villainy - the PR objectives amount to keeping the heroes sufficiently soothed to not make her a priority, the villains sufficiently intimidated likewise, and absolutely everybody at least as confused and off-balance as she is right now. Everything else can wait until she has more than 12% of a plan.)
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 12:54 PM
hm. Tinker 'badly' in ways that visibly "fail", in dramatic entertaining and mostly harmless ways? "Okay yes she's making a flying carpet and keeps getting stuck on flagpoles; leave her alone, she can hover, it's fine, she's not a threat."
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:54 PM
…all this subterfuge is going to inhibit taking a badass cape-name
"why do you call yourself Warmind, you couldn't fight yourself out of a paper bag"
Shows off actual skills
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 12:55 PM
or you call yourself that AFTERWARDS
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 12:55 PM
so what does she call herself in the meantime? Space Elf Princess?
Mebbe not
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 12:56 PM
"I'm busy go away"
"In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!"
sdschildberg 04/09/2020 1:02 PM
Rolling up on Brockton Bay’s equivalent to the Sinister 6 or Rouges Gallery (local villans, if you will) would be a great boon to PR. Shows worth and capability as a super. This would probably involve anonymous vigilante stuff (edited)
Oh, this is going to involve very nonymous vigilante stuff. "Dear PRT, Please find enclosed one Hookwolf-in-a-Box. I suggest you open carefully, as he is a very bad boy indeed. Love and kisses, Her Elvishness"
Oh hey we added the Faerie Queen to our list of jailbird comparison points
Enh, that was more or less inevitable.
All we have to do is implement a honorable but extremely violent law enforced with utmost skill, and hand out physical buffs, and I think we've got every cell-block leader I can remember off the top of my head
I think we also have to implement particularly extreme feminism and blow up the moon.
Oh, and turn into acid.
Okay even with a reminder I'm not sure about the turning into acid
Acidbath was one, ISTR.
Wow what a awful person
Like, he's not that bad by the standards of his peers here to be honest
But the birdcage population is kinda an exercise in awful people
And I can see why the fandom doesn't pay attention to him
Actually, there's part of me imagining it as a sort of regular Tuesday event. Get up, go to work, find a big box and a little box on the doorstep, containing a local villain and a handy minor technological widget, respectively. (Also a note and some journalists.)
Go to your office, deal with the resulting mess, beat your head against your desk a few times...
I feel like the villains would have opinions on that
0111narwhalz 04/09/2020 1:21 PM
a note in the little box and some journalists in the big one with the villain?
Heh. Looked at the right way, that could even be a bonus.
Also I don't think the PRT uses gadgets given to them by strangers no matter how useful they might seem
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 1:23 PM
I misread that as finding the local journalist in the box, occasionally
Yeah, but that's up to them. Still HALPING. (I suspect they'd end up with Dragon for analysis, the results of which should produce hours of entertainment and headaches.)
"It's exactly what the manual says it is. No tricks, no traps, no bugs, and can you please introduce me to whoever made it?"
Armsmaster:"No. She was mean to me"
Morgrim Moon 04/09/2020 1:26 PM
And this is how she sews discord
Maybe she'll send him a gift. Depending on the reaction to a Shadow Stalker-in-a-Box, complete with pile of evidence and rather pointed note. (edited)
To be fair, I feel like Armsmaster would be in favor of that; it's not like he likes her, and a PR disaster forewarned is a PR disaster avoided?
That was pretty much what I had in mind.
sdschildberg 04/09/2020 1:38 PM
Ambivalent, not hostile
thought: cerb should crosspost this to SpaceBattles
most worm fic seems to be concentrated there
BizarroLand ♀ 04/14/2020 7:43 PM
oh god no
SpaceBattles are going to hate the eldraeverse if they find out about it
how so
BizarroLand ♀ 04/14/2020 7:47 PM
it's pretty much flamebait for the typical Earther, sorry to say, especially with the tone
going to draw some epic ire when they see how alien the eldrae are
to be fair
Is that SpaceBattles in particular or humanity in general?
BluejayHurricane 04/14/2020 8:14 PM
SpaceBattles is going to be louder about it
0111narwhalz 04/14/2020 8:15 PM
I'd say do it just to rile them up
o7 NLR
Oh yeah, I remember seeing that 200 years ago
0111narwhalz 04/14/2020 9:43 PM
silly multi-track tanks
BizarroLand ♀ 04/14/2020 10:26 PM
This fic started out on my snippets thread as an experiment in writing something other than Jumpchain, which is all I've done up until now. It was originally going to be your bog-standard Worm v1 CYOA but as I was writing it it started evolving under me, to the point I was not...
damn I am loving this fic and it seems vaguely similar (edited)
i'm about a third of the way through reading Amelia
the power gains are crazy, but also pretty much what i'd expect in that situation anyway
BizarroLand ♀ 04/14/2020 11:09 PM
reading what
@KAL_9000 I’ve never had the patience for SpaceBattles myself, but feel free to expand my glorious hatedom.
tl;dr Panacea gets over her hangups that made her keep using her power in the least effective way imaginable
she proceeds to break half of the world within a few chapters because full-on biomanipulation with basically a FAI pulling the legwork is absolutely bonkers
sdschildberg 04/14/2020 11:16 PM
Heart is an awesome power Spacebattles is where various SF fandoms deposit their “powerlevels” types
the funny thing is, that's pretty much her canonical abilities, too.
it's not a fanfiction power-up at all
Queen Shaper is hax.
canonically, Bonesaw, one of the most powerful biotinkers in the world, created and spent days seeding a elaborate parasite/prion based disease which induced amnesia/face blindness within minutes and killed within hours.
across a entire city at once, with a gaseous spreading mechanism built in
Panacea comes along, metaphorically says "that's cute", and then spends a literal 5 minutes creating a self-propagating cure.
BizarroLand ♀ 04/14/2020 11:24 PM
and that's when she's holding back
to say she has world-changing powers held back by epic shard mindfuckery would be quite a understatement.
sdschildberg 04/14/2020 11:25 PM
Heart is a terrifying power when you think of it as more than just canned redemption arcs
BizarroLand ♀ 04/14/2020 11:25 PM
that goes for every character re: shard screwery
the innovation thing in the CYOA is just maximum bullshit though
and that's the first few entries
Regarding this: "I wonder... Could Miss Militia manifest Eldrae weapons if she was given one to study?" - @Tassadar Having consulted WoG ("See 11.h for pointers about how Miss Militia's passenger gathered weapons info about conventional arms. It also feeds into her awareness for updates on weapons (ie., as she becomes aware of more modern munitions). Any projectile firing weapon, just about, barring cruder mechanisms like catapults, and any theoretical, (appropriate) projectile (rubber bullets, hollow points, etc)."), yes. But since the shard appears to figure out what to emulate based on her awareness of them without necessarily having complete understanding of how they work, bearing in mind her origin and assuming the Protectorate doesn't have a "Building Nuclear Weapons 101" course, probably also by just seeing them in action. Or, indeed, being made incredibly dangerous with a copy of a recent issue of Guns and Bullets , or, gods help the Earth, the Eye-in-the-Flame summer catalog.
sdschildberg 04/15/2020 11:08 AM
Or the self replicating gun
Hell yes.
Do you think Miss Militia could replicate larger weapons (like for example a GAU-8/A)?
The General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger is a 30 mm hydraulically driven seven-barrel Gatling-style autocannon that is typically mounted in the United States Air Force's Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II. Designed specifically for the anti-tank role, the Avenger delivers very...
She replicated a nuke, once, ISTR. Of course, holding and firing the GAU-8 may be another matter.
Morgrim Moon 04/15/2020 12:26 PM
and, comparatively speaking, nukes are reasonably simple devices
uranium ones are.
Morgrim Moon 04/15/2020 12:26 PM
they're difficult mostly by their ingredients not their complexity
Now, Plutonium bombs, on the other hand, are far more difficult to create and to get to work properly.
subcritical implosion devices and fusion devices are comparatively more complex technologies, but a basic supercritical gun-type design is a fairly simple design
[forgot to hit enter]
Random thought: with sufficient coilgun, Glory Girl is best bullet.
Morgrim Moon 04/17/2020 12:06 PM
is she some sort of steel-skinned indestructable punch-things character?
Personal forcefield of invulnerability to feckin' everything.
Morgrim Moon 04/17/2020 12:10 PM
aha, very nice, even if it means having to give her some ferromagnetic 'armour'. At least it can be pretty and I'm sure Taylor can figure out some functionality
(Goes down briefly when hit, but can tank anything in the meantime. But for this application, you only need one hit to turn her into a EM-assisted One Punch Girl.)
0111narwhalz 04/17/2020 2:42 PM
ferromagnetic? nah it's all about inductive coilguns these days
"Don't do drugs, kids! It's not that I've got anything against drugs, mind you, but in this town you have to buy them from a dude who thought it was a good idea to name himself Skidmark - and who you can smell coming from three blocks away. That shit's probably cut with rat poop, know what I mean?"
Enderminion 04/19/2020 3:15 AM
That or the nazis
in fairness there's plenty of things to have against current drugs
most illegal drugs do have rather unpleasant side effects and are addictive, and none of that is helped by the fact that, by virtue of being illegal, they're often produced in substandard and non-sterile conditions, and are cut with usually hopefully not toxic substances
now, whether that's a argument against taking those specific drugs or against making them illegal, i'm not sure.
probably both.
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 8:37 AM
also encourages taking them in poor manners. For example, taking marijuana by mouth is a far safer way of consuming it than smoking it - same benefits, fewer health concerns, and I think roughly the same quality of "high" - but smoking it is simpler to evade legal consequences of
Everyone I’ve seen says that edibles have more unpredictable effects than smoking.
Not that I’d know, when I tried either one I didn’t notice any effects.
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 8:46 AM
really? Huh. I know testing the medicinal benefits have been solidly in favour of oral dosing over inhalation
CBD capsules have helped with headaches and Ehlers-Danlos though.
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 8:47 AM
maybe the different components favour different dosing methods?
Medicinal, maybe, since it would last longer.
@Buggy Mostly, that's an argument for quality control.
As a side note, it is also notable that one of the notable effects of the War on Drugs That Offended Someone is to push worse and worse drugs into prominence. Way back in the day, we had opium, which made its users dopey, sleepy, happy, and other dwarves, was very hard to OD on, was cheap and available everywhere, and while withdrawal from a long-term opium addiction ain't exactly fun, compared to most withdrawals, it's a walk in the park.
👍 3
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 9:24 AM
hm. I'm... really not sure I'd characterise it like that. Better than heroin, oh yes, but still nasty and needs to be done under supervision
but the milder amphetamines are miles better than anything you can get on the street. And LSD in low doses looks to be safer than most stuff you get over the counter
Today, after a long treadmill of replacing drugs with worse drugs, our current market leaders are methamphetamine, which replaces the good qualities of regular speed with insanity, seizures, and being an asshole, and fentanyl, which is basically heroin's less cool brother with super-extra death.
If you're really lucky, you can get crystal meth cut with fentanyl, which...
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 9:27 AM
oh gods
In the beginning, I'm thinking of smoked raw opium and laudanum. It's not impossible, but it's really hard to fuck yourself up totally with those, and before Prohibition II: Pharmaceutical Boogaloo, covering a moderate addiction wouldn't break the bank. Ideal worlds aside, we did not do ourselves any favors by encouraging people to get pharmaceutically creative in cooking up new and terrible drugs.
Another example: the progression coca -> cocaine -> crack gets worse at every step. Should have stuck with chewing the leaves and drinking original recipe coca-cola.
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 9:33 AM
hm. I'd put raw opium about on par with tobacco. You'll definitely fuck up your body, but gradually, with a chance to quit with minor assistance
I've got a formal MSDS for cocaine sitting around somewhere
Amusing side fact: there is a detergent manufacturer in New Jersey that is sitting on a giant mountain of cocaine.
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 9:36 AM
it was a possible derivative of a reaction I was doing, and I was aiming to get the dissolution product of sticking cocaine in water. Which also happens to be what they train sniffer dogs on (cocaine itself has no smell, but moist air produces enough for a dog). I spent 4 months walking around with my supervisor's business card on me at all times, just in case
Because they happen to be one company of very few with the legal authorization to import coca leaves, which they turn into the cocaine-free extract (for the Coca-Cola Company) and cocaine (for Mallinckrodt, the pharma company). Except there's rather more demand for the former than the latter, so it just keeps piling up... (edited)
(I don't know why they're the people with the license, but the company in question is globally famous for its anionic surfactants, so.)
Yeah, that would be an awkward conversation.
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 9:47 AM
I got pinged by a sniffer dog in training at the central train station. It was a remarkably civil encounter, mostly because I am a white woman who looks very non-threatening and not a druggie. Police offer asks, I sigh and say I am a chemist, I've been working with a substance chemically similar to cocaine, there is a white lab coat in my bag that the dog would indicate on, no they do NOT have permission to search my bag but I'm happy to pull out the lab coat and here's the mobile phone number for the head of the university chemistry department, and cops waved me on after just a peak at "yes that looks like it could be a lab coat". Almost certainly because I have plausible reason for a false positive, I don't look anything other than slightly exasperated, and it looks like 1) it's an easily cleared up issue but 2) if they ring they WILL have to do paperwork
Today, after a long treadmill of replacing drugs with worse drugs, our current market leaders are methamphetamine, which replaces the good qualities of regular speed with insanity, seizures, and being an asshole, and fentanyl, which is basically heroin's less cool brother with super-extra death.
Let us not forget Krokodil. A drug so bad that its users are happy when they can get enough money together to have some heroin instead, because the heroin "feels clean".
Morgrim Moon 04/19/2020 9:49 AM
"Can we ask why you don't want us to search your bag?" "Because then I have to report it to my supervisor and uni admin and it's a pain in the neck."
petition to put earth next to a black hole for a while but leave cerb on mars
so when we come back after a century his time chapter 3 will be out
but only a few weeks will have passed for us
You might need to drop a shit-ton of happy pills on mars, too. My brain is kicking my ass right now. Grumblesmurf.
Heh, the Inevitable Certainty Drive is useful and amusing
i mean, there's nothing like walking up to a villain's lair, and then they just walk out with a frown on their face and handcuff themselves.
Morgrim Moon 04/24/2020 11:35 AM
...are the idiots TRYING to make a villain?!
That’s what I was thinking.
Also, she named the bytegeist Rose!
Of course, the way things went down looks a little different from the other side's perspective.
That’s... going to be hard to reconcile with the PRT.
(Also, Shadow Stalker is a lying liar who lies... in ways carefully calculated to not actually lie in front of Armsmaster's lie detector.)
sdschildberg 04/24/2020 11:41 AM
More half-truths
What if Armmaster asks a yes/no question like ‘did you bully Taylor?’
She can’t half-truth her way out of that, can she?
No, those can't be fudged. But delivering a hasty incident report about the "parahuman terrorist" that has to be dealt with right now ? That's much easier to slant in ways that lead to the exact right/wrong conclusions.
Morgrim Moon 04/24/2020 11:47 AM
So presumably if Taylor was questioned and flatly stated "I was human and they locked me in a locker and tortured me and then THIS happened" Armsmaster would be able to tell she wasn't lying? And then go ask Shadow Stalker lots of awkward questions
I sure hope that happens.
Sophia is a B!tch
A couple of brief interludes up next.
BizarroLand ♀ 04/24/2020 12:19 PM
Can Armsmaster's lie detector tell if someone's omitting important details?
Presumably the person still gives off some tells
For the purposes of this fic, the current revision does not. (Because Armsmaster.)
And shit has officially hit the fan
New record, I believe
Interlude Prediction:
“wtf” -Simurgh, probably
"PATH ERROR, RECALCULATING" - Contessa and Scion's 4d gps path to victory (edited)
also, that was a neat trick with the containment foam; Rose's cutting laser is probably so strong that she should have a PRT rating of her own
sdschildberg 04/24/2020 6:57 PM
Blaster/brute (via tinker) (edited)
minor correction: dripping blue-white and silver from my hands.” That's a thought, so that " is excess (edited)
Question: Is The Lie detector based on subjective or objective truth of a statement?
has to be subjective
Two: How much can weasel words be used to get around the Lie Detector?
For instance: AM: Did you bully Taylor? SS: I don’t believe I was bullying her.
AM: Did you attack Taylor? SS: No (not with weapons).
Armsmaster: visible skepticism
Seems more like she thinks bullying is good.
BizarroLand ♀ 04/24/2020 8:22 PM
not unrealistic sadly
iirc from what we've seen in canon it's subjective truth (it's checking for lies, not acting as a clairvoyant fact-checker), and it's more of a scale than a strict true-false. When Skitter meets Armsmaster to tell him about her going undercover, he notes things like "Mostly the truth." a few times when she's being evasive or wording things carefully.
so if he's used to a background level of evasiveness and partial truths from SS, then he might be fooled
of course, now that i think about it, his lie detector probably doesn't work on E!Taylor at all
it's probably a high-tech equivalent of a polygraph, feeding various physiological information like heart rate, skin blood perfusion, etc into some analytical software. Possibly incorporates social predictive software as well.
so between being a near-human alien with a entirely different set of physiological responses (going so far as to have a different blood color), having non-standard neurology and social instincts, and having mil-spec security enhancements which probably close the glaring security hole presented by subconscious physiological reactions to internal mental states... (edited)
sufficient to say his lie detector is probably just going to say "orange, bologna, queen of france" for a few seconds before he gives up.
sdschildberg 04/24/2020 10:32 PM
Something something fae bending their words something something half truths (edited)
Eldrae kinesics aren't sufficiently different from human to make it much more than less reliable, especially at first. (You'll note that Tattletale's power could still get a fairly accurate read, for example.)
sdschildberg 04/25/2020 1:29 AM
Both species display similar physical stress responses
Now, there are such things as face-saving programs, which soften, and emotional response dampers, which more or less eliminate, the assorted tells that kinesic readers can use, which she could dig out of the library. On the other hand, the problem with using those to wipe your kinesics is that the resulting flattened affect is a pretty obvious tell in itself.
sdschildberg 04/25/2020 1:31 AM
It’s just an automated way to keep a poker face
Yep. There has not been much work done on creating more effective ways to lie without kinesic tells, since (a) None of it would fool an alethiometer. Hell, it won't even fool an MRI machine circa now; and (b) To steal a quotation from SC2, "Human. We Ur-Quan never lie. NEVER! It is a weakness to lie and, as you have noticed, the Ur-Quan are not weak!"
sdschildberg 04/25/2020 1:33 AM
The entire purpose of any lie-detector gadget or power is to see past what kinesics can do
and (c) there is nothing more useful when deceiving people than a reputation for honesty. Something readily attained at the slight cost of having to let people lie to themselves for you.
0111narwhalz 04/25/2020 1:34 AM
the best lie is the outrageous, unbelievable truth
Well, to be fair, today's polygraphs and so forth are kinesics readers; just with better sensors than the Mk. I Eyeball.
i suspect that it'll be easy enough to calibrate, because as you said they're similar, but i also wouldn't expect it to work very well at all until Armsmaster at least fiddles with the settings
two specific techniques i would expect it to use would be reading the heartrate and discerning how flushed visible parts of the skin are via camera; both things we can do already. And a triple-chamber heart (or whatever it was Taylor mentioned) and blue blood will thoroughly confound either of those, even if it's a easy fix.
granted, Armsmaster might well have been thorough enough that it can handle that much on it's own, given that Case-53s exist
hard to say. Personally I wouldn't expect lie detectors to work particularly well in the first place without some baseline interactions to work off of, but "Tinkers are bullshit" for a reason (edited)
BizarroLand ♀ 04/25/2020 10:43 AM
wait, eldraeic hearts have only three chambers?
Technically, none at all. They're continuous-flow peristaltic pumps.
(So, arguably, it's not really a pulse as we know it, but a sort of three-peaked thrum.) This is an adapted bluelife mechanism, and was selected by the Precursor bioengineers because it's easier on the blood cells, doesn't have any valves to go wrong, and doesn't send big pressure waves through the circulatory system with each beat. Which last is rather easier on the blood vessels, too.
So the first time someone tries to take her pulse or blood pressure, boy, are they in for a shock.
Morgrim Moon 04/25/2020 12:06 PM
does it still have some pulsing? Because you've got that sniper having their heart removed
Some, yeah, as the peristaltic wave moves to the end and resets, but it's more like a slow sine than quick spikes.
Also, it connects the lungs to the rest of the body.
At least in Terran vertebrates that have lungs.
Fish have that weird two-chamber heart that just pushes blood through the gills.
The triple thrum is because, while a single complex, there're actually three pumps involved. The big one that moves blood through the body entire, and two smaller ones which take the blood returning from the paracardiac chain and push it through the lungs. (edited)
Which would still be susceptible to gross physical trauma like a stake through the sternum.
(Humans don't have one of those, either. It's a folded structure of blood-filters, glands, and ganglia that cleans and enhances the blood returning through the venae cavae and lymph from the thoracic duct, and contains a lot of the immune enhancements that enable the whole not aging process.) (edited)
So a secondary liver and kidney?
More specifically immuno-/anagatho-focused than either, but it's not the worst analogy. Also, its filtering process doesn't have its own dump; it just transforms intractable problems into things the kidneys can flush easily.
With a bit of a lymph node thrown in
In other - baseline - gross organic (sic) differences awaiting the curious anatomist, the spleen is enlarged, the liver has a more complex six-lobed structure rather than four-lobed, and the stomach has developed a double-chamber to support the use of bluelife-specific proteases.
Also, the brain's wrinklier and has a larger cortex callosum than in humans, but it's still basically a brain.
A tribe of nomadic divers has evolved larger spleens to allow them to catch fish more than 200 feet underwater, scientists have discovered.
There definitely is some of that, but I think most of it is another consequence of the high-powered immune system called for for anagathic effect.
wants a character tag for "the cloned, disembodied brain of Jack Slash"
what in tarnation
Sometimes you do science, sometimes the science does you.
I'd say not to hook that up to a microphone, but his shard would probably develop telepathy anyways. (edited)
Well, having been cloned, it's not like he's in this one. (But if you can't shameless abuse the Case 70 phenomenon for Science!, what can you do?) (edited)
that's... a great point, a really great point now that i think about it
canonically, it seems that clones of parahumans fully inherit their abilities. While the fate of the Slaughterhouse 9000 rather demonstrates the perils of fork armies, it would still be a powerful strategy
(plus, they weren't proper forks. Just reconstructed clones that probably didn't have their former full expertise)
@Overmind What can the Empire (or the Transcend specifically) actually send through an interdimensional wormhole?
worm meme
i dunno a lot of fics get that right IMO
also, related, but i only recently realized how hilariously ironic Panacea and New Wave is
they're a movement based around honesty and accountability and such, but GG and Panacea basically have a arrangement that amounts to "I'll break criminals, you put them back together and make sure they don't sue us"
Clearly the problem is insufficient incest.
truly, is there anything that can't be solved by sufficient incest?
not according to the internet, which is always right.
I am trying to remember the fic in which Amy's secret lust for Glory Girl is revealed at the bank, and Taylor's response is basically, "Well, isn't literally everyone of our age lusting after GG? Even the gay boys and straight girls? Now, not doing so, that's a condition." (edited)
dunno, i'll keep a eye out for it
i've been on a binge of Worm fics lately
i went from Amelia, to Weaver's 9, and now i'm on Cenotaph
Short, four-chapter or so crack-fic, in which Taylor's incredible laziness is a feature.
heh, i'll keep an eye out for it
i did come across the terrible fics. Not so much in writing quality as the content
Is that u/LiterallyWormExcept?
Good times
i'm not sure if its good or "good"
but it... is.
it definitely is.
...ironically, in this particular case problems might actually be solved by sufficient not-really-incest. ('Look, kids, the Omniscient Prognostication Engine has worked out all the possible outcomes from here, which range from "multiple entire worlds dead of hideous plague" to "sunshine, rainbows, and a happy old age with a bunch of freckly, platinum-haired grandchildren flying around healing people". So for the sake of all reality, for the good of mankind, for your own good, and for the OPE's shipping chart... JUST KISS, YOU MORONS.')
happy old age
there is no such thing as old if e!taylor can help it
An unnecessary complexity to get into at the time, methinks.
sdschildberg 04/28/2020 3:44 PM
“If we don’t kiss the world ends” is a god teir shipfic idea
"While we're having this conversation, incidentally, would you mind joining our secret mostly-not-villainous organization as Head of Biotech Research and Supreme Anti-Endbringer Warhead, respectively?"
"Both of your first assignments will be to Project Making Sure No-One Dies, Ever. (Except terminal assholes, for whom we offer an Unlimited Fist-of-Death License.)"
To answer @KAL_9000 's earlier question, what you can send through a between-universe wormhole is -- (Assuming, for a moment, that you have found two universes with natural laws which are compatible enough to send mass-energy between without it dissolving instantly into adjacentia. Inasmuch as universes are random agglomerations from the primordial chaos's all-set and the set of identical agglomerations is an infinitesimal, although also infinite, subset of the infinite set of stable agglomerations, which is an infinite subset of the infinite set of all possible agglomerations... well, don't count on it.) -- similar to a conventional wormhole; it depends on how much energy you feel like putting into it.
could you send hard drives with bytegeists through it?
Yes, this does mean it could send a certain admiral and her shiny superdreadnought All You Other Endbringers Are Just Imitating to solve the problem her way. It won't. But it could.
how did you somehow know exactly where I was going with that?
I'm psychic.
literally the easiest solution to this is to teleport sargas
but that wouldn't be fun, would it
Well, unless you count immediate CALYX HOLLOW as fun
It breaks the First Commandment of Interventions, though.
"Thou shalt not cockblock someone else's torrid affair with awesomeness."
that sounds exactly like what the eldrae would do 😛
wouldn't even occupy sargas, she could send a fork
BizarroLand ♀ 04/28/2020 4:33 PM
not sure what the logic is behind that commandment exactly
something like "it's better if they work through it alone"
Think like an awesomeness-maximizer.
BizarroLand ♀ 04/28/2020 4:38 PM
"it's more awesome if they're only given a little nudge"?
That's my best guess
having everything end in immediate calyx hollow would be kind of dull
Teach a soph to be awesome, they'll generate awesome for the rest of their lives. Be awesome for them, they'll still be a schmuck tomorrow.
BizarroLand ♀ 04/28/2020 4:39 PM
so I didn't quite get it
sdschildberg 04/28/2020 4:40 PM
“A well done regime change self perpetuates”
BizarroLand ♀ 04/28/2020 4:42 PM
and yeah it makes a little more sense now
fix the species, not just their soon-to-be-ephemeral kaiju problem (edited)
Morgrim Moon 04/28/2020 9:58 PM
and if fixing the species still results in them having a few struggles with the kaiju problem, then you can helpfully send them a Sargas to help finish off the problem
and if fixing the species still results in them having a few struggles with the kaiju problem, then you can helpfully send them a Sargas to help finish off the problem
and if fixing the species still results in them having a few struggles with the kaiju problem, then you can helpfully send them a Sargas to help finish off the problem
and if fixing the species still results in them having a few struggles with the kaiju problem, then you can helpfully send them a Sargas to help finish off the problem
and if fixing the species still results in them having a few struggles with the kaiju problem, then you can helpfully send them a Sargas to help finish off the problem
0111narwhalz 04/28/2020 10:11 PM
that's a lot of Sargas'
many forks
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 9:22 AM
I'm not sure if any reality could handle that many Sargas forks
Morgrim Moon 04/29/2020 9:34 AM
sorry guys, apparently my connection had a fit
and yes I think 5 copies of the Worldburner might be a bit much. Hell, even five random members of the Sargas house might be a bit much
BluejayHurricane 04/29/2020 9:59 AM
There was a discord bug at about that time yesterday. I saw it in ToughSF too.
1) Put Glory Girl in tungsten shell
2) Fire Glory Girl out of railgun
3) Jettison tungsten casing
4) Impact with Endbringer
5) Profit
BluejayHurricane 04/29/2020 4:26 PM
Tungsten for aerosheilding?
It's also what railgun shells are made of
Sadly, Glory Girl is not magnetic
BluejayHurricane 04/29/2020 4:27 PM
And also, what’s her acceleration tolerance
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 4:27 PM
tungsten is not magnetic either
railguns don't give a toss about magnetic properties
they are based on current flowing through the armature
well then tungsten for aeroshielding
We don't actually even need a jettison mechanism, actually
Just have shock heating with the atmosphere melt it off
-Highly destructive
-Involves railguns
this is the greatest idea i've ever had
Enderminion 04/29/2020 6:31 PM
death due to acceleration?
Her acceleration tolerance is Yes
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 6:42 PM
name the railgun Columbiad
BizarroLand ♀ 04/29/2020 6:43 PM
in the Behemoth arc they mention huge railguns didn't work (edited)
Did they try hypersonic Glory Girl, though?
BluejayHurricane 04/29/2020 6:47 PM
I must admit that an indestructible projectile would have interesting effects
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 6:49 PM
What is her resistivity? Does her temperature increase when you pump manymany amps across her? Does her temperature increase when you place a conductor through which you are pumping manymany amps in contact with her?
she has a skin-level forcefield which can take "one strong hit" before collapsing
a canonical lower bound on what can pop is a handgun bullet, not sure what a upper end would be
once it collapses it takes a few seconds to regenerate
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 7:04 PM
ah, I'm not sure ram compression counts as one continuous hit or arbitrarily many hits
It deflected a Scion blast at least once. (edited)
ah, so the upper bound is rather high
my main concern would be putting so much force on it that it dissipates more quickly than a normal 'pop', to the point that it doesn't stop whatever the force is coming from. But if it can tank a hit from Scion, a Glorious Railgun would definitely work
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 7:08 PM
hm, do the shards try to shut the powers of immediate threats down?
Yeah, there may also be a hostile environment to deal with on arrival, but if the forecefield can go around the envarmor...
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 7:10 PM
if so, there could be a great moment of the eldritch horrors from beyond the stars going "Turn it off!" "I thought she was you!"
Well, if Glory Girl fails, just fire Alexandria
(I believe it is costume-preserving.)
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 7:11 PM
"it's not that kind of web-novel" —the author, probably
With sufficient power, we can probably fire her right through the endbringer.
Okay, fine
-Will short out Brockton Bay's entire power grid
Possibly the Eastern Seaboard's
Pros: - Brockton Bay will still exist to have/need a power grid
the forcefield is adaptive... while Scion is alive, anyway.
- Endbringer sushi - Extremely happy Vicky
not sure if it'll work for armor, but it works with even very large changes in body shape
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 7:17 PM
mad cackling must be involved somewhere in the operation of this… device
but once you take out the central server (Scion) a lotta shards stop working properly or can't adapt as well
this comes up a lot in Ward
as for immediate threats being shut down or not... I'm not sure
there's a notable moment when Chevalier is about to stab Behemoth's exposed core with a mixed/merged multi-dimensional sword, and the moment his weapon touches it it just sorta breaks and splits into pieces
Actually, something like may be better for taking out Leviathan specifically
Project Pluto was a United States government program to develop nuclear-powered ramjet engines for use in cruise missiles. Two experimental engines were tested at the United States Department of Energy Nevada Test Site (NTS) in 1961 and 1964.
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 7:20 PM
"you can't use the power I grant you to kill me"
but i can't recall if that's Behemoth hitting the emergency stop on Chev's power, or if it's just two multi-dimensional effects mixing poorly and one of them won.
Fly it over and nuke him while he's chilling in the ocean
0111narwhalz 04/29/2020 7:20 PM
kind of basic self-preservation subroutine deal
it's possible that the entities have that, but it's either not automatic or it's very lenient
Scion dies after his body-portal is pinned in place by a power and then his real body is shot with a big tinkertech gun
Eden dies after being stabbed in exactly the wrong spot by someone using her best precog power
but Eden didn't get the chance to put the finishing touches on that shard, but the fact that she added a "you can't hurt me" limitation once she noticed the threat indicates that the entities, theoretically, can regain control of shards on a moment's notice
BizarroLand ♀ 04/29/2020 7:24 PM
the entities were kind of dumbasses though
they're sorta weirdly narrow-minded, yeah.
they're trope enforcers
a lot of reliance on powerful precog abilities for planning
sdschildberg 04/29/2020 7:24 PM
Which is why even the slightest bit of cheese is available
exactly, yeah
Of course, this goes completely off the rails once someone immune to their logos suppression field shows up
Namely e!Taylor
and personally, i'd wager that the only reason Scion canonically died at all is that Khepri and Others bullied him until he was so depressed that he laid down and let them kill him
sdschildberg 04/29/2020 7:26 PM
If the entities had one collective braincell cheese like “just nuke/railgun em lol” would be impossible
this is true
or they'd actually expand their censor to include things like, oh, planning to kill them
sdschildberg 04/29/2020 7:28 PM
I said one brain cell among all of em Let’s start small here
fair, fair. Baby steps.
sdschildberg 04/29/2020 7:48 PM
and yes, "yeet your compatriot at them because the upper bound of survivable impacts is undefined" is cheese
Works for Wolverine and Collossus
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Ah, the PHO.
never change, greg
never change
BizarroLand ♀ 05/01/2020 4:18 PM
looks like tay's gonna be outed soon
i mean, there's only so much secrecy possible when you trigger publicly and slowly fly to your house without a mask.
BizarroLand ♀ 05/01/2020 6:30 PM
greg or no greg
and PHO is still trying to keep it a secret
heck, i wouldn't be surprised if PHO handed out bans for talking about New Wave's identities
i remember a fic doing that once
Morgrim Moon 05/01/2020 10:32 PM
at least someone noticed the "no matter how tactless Armsmaster was"
His reputation in that area is... solid.
efficiency is his specialty, he efficiently solves technical problems and people problems alike.
Technical problems, he solves by tinkering.
People problems, he solves by alienating them until they stop peopleing around him
Morgrim Moon 05/01/2020 10:54 PM
it sounds like if you want a higher ratio of heroes and not villains caused by negative encounters with authority, it would be more efficient to send him along with someone more diplomatic
To quote from a different universe: “In retrospect, I should not have attempted to use chemistry to research sociology.”
And, to be fair, he was also working on bad information courtesy of the local psychopath.
This is true. His heart is in the right place, he just hasn't realized that he needs to invest some brainpower on the solutions-for-people-problems side of things
his lie detector suite is a step in the right direction, but he needs to take a jog in that direction
BizarroLand ♀ 05/01/2020 11:19 PM
I keep wanting to bring up rhodeworks' criticism of Sophia as being 'too mean to Taylor for no reason', to over-condense.. but then I remember plenty of people are giant dicks in real life for no good reason (edited)
Well, she has a reason. It’s just that most of us wouldn’t consider “being a shard-aggravated sadist with undiagnosed clinical psychopathy” as a good reason.
random thought: i wonder if Accord would be satisfied with having only non-sophont minions workforces
his power is useful and he's not really evil, either. Its just kind of hard to work around his... stringent preferences.
offer him a very symmetrical and orderly robot army, polished to a shine, be careful with how you present information to him, and he might be a useful ally
another random thought: you said that parallel dimensions is not the normal state of the verse, so there's a shard responsible for it. That would be Coil's, wouldn't it?
The currently operational Worldline Demux is one of Scion's shards that he didn't give out. It has the sort of insane energy requirements to do what it's doing that it might not even be possible to pass it to anyone not an entity.
Given that he is a Cauldron cape, it's possible that Coil has a crippled version of Eden's equivalent shard, but whether or not he actually can split and unmake worldlines in the physical sense or whether its still the canonical simulative corcognition has yet to be decided. (Depends on whether I want him to have that much power, and/or what it'll mean for the shape of the plot.)
(To fill in a little background, Worldline Demux is a force-multiplier shard for the Entities' experimentation. It works [and big endgame-period discovery spoilers here for those who care about such things] like this: The way universes naturally work (and this is a horrible, gross, lies-to-children popsci version of the theory) is that in macroscopic quantum systems, like universes, you can approximate the probability curve of aggregate wave function distributions as something like a bell curve. The resolved classical universe as we actually perceive and experience it is essentially the peak of the curve. The falloff to either side, for the most part, can be conceived of as naught but shadows and echoes. Not that there aren't interactions or ways of manipulating things for useful ends available with sufficiently advanced technology. (edited)
What Worldline Demux does is, by means of copious brute force applied to quantum fuckery, reshape that probability curve such that it has a multitude of lower peaks rather than one big one. The result is that you end up with multiple experienceable worldlines, one per curve-peak, which can be considered "parallel worlds" occupying the same space. This allows an Entity with it to run multiple parallel iterations of its experiments on the same planet, to multiply its potential gains.
The space in question, Worldline Demux only having so much energy to apply, is pretty much confined to Earth-local space. This is two reasons the Entities don't want humanity getting offworld; one, they might notice the difference from out there, and two, because the peaks are lower, mass-energy in Earth-local space is less real than mass-energy outside it. If you think of the height of the normal peak as "real", that amount of realness is being shared between multiple worldlines. (This is what makes Sting , Flechette's power, so damn deadly, because it synthesizes q-states that are baseline-level-of-the-universe real.)
Assorted other implications are left as an exercise for the reader.)
after reading on it a bit, apparently coils power is canonically a sort of precog that gets played out in real time. I thought he genuinely split off new dimensions, but that makes much more sense (running a second cocurrent timeline would either double the power drain on shards or double the shards.)
I remembered that being discussed in-universe a bit, but i thought that was just Tattle and Skitter not wanting to face the horrifying conclusion that he destroyed entire planets on a daily basis
that aside, would a consequence of this be that any sort of quantum fuckery is also easier/less energy intensive?
since the peaks are lower, so any modification to a individual peak ought to take less effort overall
Of course, deleting a full-fidelity simulation isn’t really all that distinguishable from destroying that same thing.
this is true
that bit always did baffle me about precog, a bit
namely, the accuracy.
For now, let’s assume that “reality” is orthogonal to other physical properties.
running a very high fidelity simulation of the entire planet, to the point that butterfly effects are easily predicted years down the line... and also including other precog shards and the shard doing the simulation
i'm pretty sure that a entire subfield of computer science is dedicated to saying "no, you can't do that."
i suppose since all the shards are networked and should theoretically have well-defined I/O you can optimize a lot there, because the shard itself is complex but it'll behave in a simple manner
but still, no wonder some people assert that entities are galaxy-mass or larger
This is a particular area I can’t comment on much because major plot spoilers.
that's fair. You're also doing things pretty differently
shards being brane entities and the Worldline Demux being a later-developed force-multiplier means that the shards have a very different origin than canon
and because shards explicitly suppress free will and manipulate their hosts that can help cut down on the complexity quite a lot. You don't need to predict the butterflies if you just squish them.
because shards explicitly suppress free will Ah, a definitive statement on this: it's fanon. Fanfanon. Ach, you know what I mean. For the shards to do this would be self-defeating for the Entities. They're trying to use the branemeats (to coin a term) as creativity farms to find a solution to their entropy problem, and that'd be pointless if they p-zombified them, because they could just run a giant p-zombie simulation and have done with it. They need the logotic wacky to make their plan work.
0111narwhalz 05/04/2020 11:15 AM
they need the logotic wacky to make their plan work, but they also need not logotic wacky to make their precog work…
sdschildberg 05/04/2020 11:17 AM
They need controlled creativity
Their precog works as well as it does because most people don't exercise their free will in unpredictable ways all that much, and they have a friggin' huge dataset and oodles of computing power to throw at the problem. So usually there's just a little fuzziness in the process such that it doesn't work to pull end-of-First-Lensman-I-can-tell-you-exactly-where-individual-hairs-will-fall-in-10-years tricks. It's good, but it ain't Visualization of the Cosmic All.
(This effect is also why Contessa's PtV occasionally spits out "recalculating" and returns a different number of steps.)
sdschildberg 05/04/2020 11:22 AM
It’s good enough for super work, as one might say (edited)
This effect is also responsible for the "causality interference" that is responsible for blinding precogs to each other, but it's not just precogs. Anyone who demonstrates an unusually high Cíëlle Vagary, or worse, actual in-the-technical-sense miracles that generate impossipoints, will fuck with precognition in the same way.
(It's basically the same problem as Destiny's Vex have simulating the Guardians. You can have a perfect causal simulation that predicts that Bob there will turn left at the end of the street, but there's always that tiny unsimulatable possibility that he'll say "fuck it", and turn right anyway. Or turn up. Or turn down the bed. Or turn into a herring. Will defeats law.)
Now I'm trying to remember if in canon we ever saw Contessa go up against a high-powered combat Thinker.
Morgrim Moon 05/04/2020 11:36 AM
the part of me that loves Sly Cooper keeps imagining Contessa as a drider
To get into those spoilers I was avoiding earlier for those who just plain can't resist, their precog-simulations also have essentially the same vulnerability as the Vex's - namely, you can't simulate what you can't outcompute. Now, I'm not saying moon-brains are the answer to this problem, but I'm not saying they're not the answer, either.
0111narwhalz 05/04/2020 11:40 AM
[intense hashing]
sdschildberg 05/04/2020 12:03 PM
Nah, straight up magic or other high level BS is the solution
ah, sorry i thought you said earlier that the shards suppress the logos, but i agree it makes more sense for them to not do that. If they did, then why not p-zombies.
oh, it was "logos-depressed" which does make more sense; cutting off the bits that are more troublesome without suppressing the useful bits
the downside of the Moonbrain Plan is that step 1 is "Kill the Simurgh". Which is a good step regardless, but there is a bit of a problem with the best solution to precogs being gated behind killing one of the most powerful precogs.
Of course, you can also try to sneak past the Simurgh, I suppose. That might be a little easier
But there are parallel worldlines right there...
Fair point, personally i'd be concerned about building a moonplanetbrain in the equivalent of the Entities' utilities room, but that doesn't become a problem unless Scion realizes it and takes action
Wait. Parallel-worldline-computation is still real computation whose output can be translated into realer reality without substantial investment or loss. That sounds like... a very valuable thing that the people back in the Empire would love to install in their server clusters. Possible interference with quantum computation aside.
BluejayHurricane 05/04/2020 11:29 PM
Please don’t dump your (computational) garbage into Narnia.
0111narwhalz 05/04/2020 11:31 PM
clearly the reason we don't have perpetual motion is that someone in a parallel universe figured out how to shuffle entropy out of theirs and into our, but is being real careful to put it in places it should be anyway
how inconsiderate of them
plot twist: they're actually trying to help us but their time runs backwards compared to ours and they don't realize it.
0111narwhalz 05/04/2020 11:34 PM
they think they're paying tithes after a great interdimensional war
So, Earth's reality is a bit less real then outside due to entities.
What's happen when the thingy that transforms one peak into many stops working?
How violent will be quantum state redistribution?
An uncontrolled collapse would be apocalyptic.
my mind keeps taking the metaphor of peaks-on-a-graph and thinking "water ripples", like... waves in a pool, from people splashing about, recombining and such (edited)
except instead of 2d graphs or water, it's 3 dimensional amplitudes corresponding to particles composing a entire planet.
that would be... a splash.
it is, perhaps, a good idea to kill or subvert the entities very carefully.
As in, Earth survives, significant parts of biosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere will be a little redistributed and heated up, cosmically speaking (edited)
In this case, where you've got coherent local data replaced by a mass of random q-states, we're talking "a shit-ton of mass-energy spontaneously decoheres and recoheres as super-energetic super-simple particles, mostly photons; i.e., an Earths-shattering kaboom". This is how the Entities end the Cycle. (edited)
sdschildberg 05/05/2020 2:08 PM
Turns out killing reality warpers while they warp may not be the best idea.
Interesting way to get energy-positive output
0111narwhalz 05/05/2020 2:36 PM
ontotech direct conversion reactor
Planet-sized confused matter bomb.
(Powering the mother of all one-shot Orions.)
👍 4
Cursed fanfic idea:
Worm but Taylor gets the ability to control bacteria instead of insects
BluejayHurricane 05/11/2020 7:03 PM
Thanks, I hate it. Also, isn’t that Amy?
0111narwhalz 05/11/2020 7:03 PM
it starts simple: your food goes off a little too quickly, your cheese tastes funny
but then, face-eating bacteria
and best of all she can control their dna exchange
reminder that bacterial generations are measured in minutes
do the math
0111narwhalz 05/11/2020 7:05 PM
how quickly do we get the new eukaryotes?
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